Supporting the National Rollout of the ITNCountry Platform

Navigating the unique transportation challenges of rural and small communities, Campfire partnered with ITNAmerica to propel their pioneering ITNCountry software into the national spotlight. Through tailored strategies and innovative solutions, we turned community strengths into opportunities, setting a new benchmark for community-based transport solutions.

Background & Goals

Transportation for rural and small communities presents one of the major challenges of modern times. As distances grow, resources often diminish, and the costs associated with travel increase. This places a strain on traditional transit solutions, especially in areas with lower population density where rides become rare and long. In these communities, residents with special requirements, such as the elderly, visually impaired, or those without automobile access, often require additional support like door-to-door services.

However, these communities also have their strengths: abundant social capital, neighborliness, and a spirit of resourcefulness.

ITNAmerica, using insights from over two decades of experience, developed the ITNCountry software platform. Utilizing the ITNRides software built on Salesforce, they designed it to be affordable and accessible to small and rural communities. With funding from the Federal Transit Administration, ITNCountry was set for a national rollout with nine demonstration communities as testbeds.

Our objective was clear: Campfire was entrusted to design a National Marketing and Public Outreach Plan that would effectively leverage an online learning center and the strength of a national marketing approach through Salesforce.

Our Approach

To grasp the unique challenges and perceptions of our target markets, we undertook comprehensive national survey research. The insights drawn from this, coupled with in-depth interviews, became the foundation upon which we built our positioning and messaging framework for the ITNCountry platform.

Informed by our research and the derived framework, we achieved the following milestones:

  • Brand Refinement: We introduced updated brand Guidelines and Playbooks to ensure a consistent and strong brand presence.

  • Strategic Implementation: Developed a full-funnel strategy for ITNCountry built on the capabilities of Salesforce.

  • Content Development: Our content matrix, mapped to the buyer funnel, ensured that our content reached the right audience at the right time. This included pillar content like eBooks, case studies, and sales videos, providing valuable resources and insights for potential users and partners.

The outcome of our approach not only fulfilled the immediate requirements of ITNAmerica but also set the stage for sustainable growth and outreach for the ITNCountry Platform.

more case studies

Redefining Impact: Our 2023 Impact Report
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