One Final Look Back

No countdown can match the final ten seconds of the day on New Year’s Eve. If you’re doing this thing we call ‘life’ seriously, those final seconds represent all of the good, bad, and messy in the year that was. As the clock strikes midnight, it’s one of the few times of the year where […]

It’s Not Natural, But It’s Necessary

Here’s why sound design and effects are crucial to the quality of a film. Let’s all agree that even though ‘Bumblebee’ is a Transformers movie, that it was far better than the past few (do me a favor and never watch Transformers: The Last Knight which got a 15% approval on Rotten Tomatoes). Though we […]

Our Brand Has Merit

We don’t like to toot our horn that much, we prefer to do that for our clients – but this is one we’re pretty stoked about, so we wanted to share! Last Thursday, Campfire was recognized from the Boston Ad Club’s Hatch Awards for our own agency’s identity and branding system that we have developed […]

Welcome Leo

The world moves fast, and in the media, it moves ten times faster. How do you keep up? By surrounding yourself with fresh perspectives and people who aren’t afraid to push boundaries- and sure as hell don’t hold you back in the pursuit of better. People often ask us at Campfire what makes us different, […]

Launching Into The Holidays

As I’m writing this, Laurie Strode is giving her brother hell in the latest installment of Halloween, however, in my head, Clarence is getting his wings from Zuzu ringing her bell in It’s a Wonderful Life. Such confliction – I know! However, I’m not alone. A report by the National Retail Federation finds that “each […]

The Surge of Political Ad Dollars

Revel Academy

Since the 1920s, one of the major linchpins in our democratic process has been media. Catapulted into homes across America by way of kitschy slogans, shows, and messaging, the tools we use to communicate have been used to inform and persuade the public. Each year it seems new records are shattered in political spending, and […]

How hot pink boards brought a nation to its knees

I know I’m a bit late to the game here, but this will always be worth talking about for what it accomplished while it existed. For those who haven’t heard, Ronald Rael – a professor of architecture – and co. installed bright pink seesaws at the border wall in Juarez. Although it was up […]

Vocab To Know: Geofencing Vs Geoframing

When discussing The Geofence in today’s media landscape, we often hark back to that iconic scene from The Princess Bride, when the comedic villain – Vizzini – utters his lisped catchphrase; “inconceivable!” Inigo Montoya responds quietly, “you say that word too much… I do not think it means what you think it means.” Let’s dispel […]

Plot Holes | The Greatest Marketing Tool

I would say over the past five years the big obsession that has entered my life is the search for easter eggs and plot holes in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). Yes, not only do I access my inner dork by watching (and owning) every Marvel movie to date, but meticulously rewatching them to find […]

The First Brick

A brick thrown at a police officer during the Stonewall Riots fifty years ago launched a movement. Trans and queer folks were fed up with the constant harassment from police officers, even in the few, relatively safe places they could find – often bars and night clubs – not to mention general anti-queer sentiments in […]

Redefining Impact: Our 2023 Impact Report
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