We Must Do Better

[We’ve created a doc of resources with action steps you can take to help support communities of color and work to build a more equitable society. Click here to check it out. Please follow and support your local black organizers. Here in Portland, Maine follow and support Black Lives Matter Portland  and black owned businesses […]

Signs of the Times

  Yesterday, I grabbed all my photo gear and audio recording equipment and hit the road to document these times in our corner of the world.  I wasn’t entirely sure what I was looking for so I started in familiar territory (Yarmouth, where our office is) with the plan to head north on Route 1. […]

The Long, Hard, Stupid Way

We are human beings. Which means it is a bit innate to become lazy at times (or for some of us all the time). Lazy can take many forms. Putting off chores, appointments, or just straight up sweatpants and a hoodie for a gazillion days straight. Lazy is usually seen as a bad thing, but […]

50 Years of Earth Day

50 years ago on April 22, 1970 over 20 million Americans (roughly 10% of the total population at that time) took to the great outdoors to protest against polluted rivers, oil spills, chemical waste and disposal. It was hot on the heels of Silent Spring (a best selling book by Rachel Carson which drew environmental […]

Understanding The “New Norms”

This blog started out very differently two weeks ago when I started it. I started this as rolling news was coming out by the hour of how live American sports were being cancelled and my angle was to discuss what that meant for advertisers, media outlets, and the viewing audience. That was soon eclipsed by […]

Here Comes the Pitch

For all you article skimmers out there, let me save you some time. Here is the bottom (okay, yes in this case top) line: The pitching process is highly problematic and – in the long run, and across the industry – is detrimental to both client and agency. If you want to know why we […]

Super B*wl 2020 Ad Review

Another year has opened its infant eyes and has begun to toddle on its chubby little legs. And with that, another “Big Game” has graced us with supernatural athletic displays, heroic achievements, a frenzy-inducing halftime show, and the real reason we all park it for several hours every February…the advertising. Below is my humble assessment […]

The Law of the Hammer: Chasing Trends

If you’d been a reader of the London periodical Once a Week – all the way back in 1868 – you may have stumbled across the observation: “Give a boy a hammer and chisel; show him how to use them; at once he begins to hack the doorposts, to take off the corners of shutter […]

The Era of Connected – What is CTV?

We’re in a renaissance of how stories are being told because of the unprecedented amount of content people have access to. One of the main drivers of this change comes from the advancements in Connected TV (CTV). Connected TV (CTV) refers to any TV set that can be connected to the internet and access long-form […]

Poductivity | How the Podcast Has Shaped How We Learn

Okay, so I nerd out way too much over podcasts. Even as a lifelong musician, I now spend almost all my time learning through podcasts or YouTube instead of listening to music. With an ever-expanding catalog of options in all categories to listen to, this industry has shaped how we consume content, and in turn, […]

Redefining Impact: Our 2023 Impact Report
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