Behind Spotify’s Greenroom and the Quest for Audio Supremacy

Nothing inspires innovation more than the spirit of competition. Instagram added the stories feature after the rise of Snapchat. Google removed the headphone jack from the Pixel after Apple pulled off the risky move. Now, that powerful muse grabbed a hold of Spotify with the release of Greenroom, the audio-only rival app called Greenroom.  Think […]

All We Know Is What We Don’t

I learned a new word the other day: sonder. It’s a feeling that describes the realization that the lives of strangers contain the same vivid complexities as our very own. The concept seems kind of obvious, doesn’t it? Obviously I can’t be the only one who feels like they’re hurtling towards the abyss in a […]

You Are Working From Home | A Father’s Day First

Greta came into the world three days ahead of schedule; strangely on-brand for such a newbie. March 14, 2020; three days after the WHO declared COVID-19 a pandemic and a day after Trump declared COVID-19 a national emergency, my daughter was born. The first month was, as expected, not especially fun; colic, crying, panic, and […]


Last year marked the sixth time since 1896 a modern Olympics was either postponed or cancelled. Historically this sort of last resort measure is reserved for times of war; the first during World War I and last during World War II. Postponing the 2020 Tokyo Summer Olympics put NBCUniversal in a very difficult position; with […]

How to Make Taxes Less Taxing as a Freelancer

If only 16-year-old me could see 34-year-old me right now: living the dream as a freelance writer in Maine on the precipice of my own personal Hot Dad Summer. Writing is something I’m pretty sure I was born to do; a talent prioritized by my brain in lieu of silly nonsense like spacial awareness, word […]

To Teach or Not To Teach?

Last week was Teacher Appreciation Week, and I wanted to reflect on one my favorite teachers and the power of being an educator. I vividly remember on the chalkboard of my 5th grade classroom, Mr. Forand had a felt banner on the left-hand side that said “Today is the first day of the rest of […]

The Worst They Can Say is No | A Q&A With Former DC Intern Rachel Flannery

April 30th marked the last day of National Internship Awareness Month; a day where interns can reflect on the short, but hopefully sweet time they’ve spent at their company. Interning is more than dipping a toe into the water of the working world; it’s a right of passage and a means to full-time employment. One […]

Who Does Data Benefit Most?

A recent report conducted by the Global Web Index (GWI) took a hard look at peoples’ complicated relationship with the media, analyzing our wants, needs, and habits while forecasting what’s in store for us in the foreseeable future. Along with some unique lessons learned about bricks-and-mortar stores in the wake of Coronavirus, GWI delivered game-changing […]

How a Pandemic Fueled an eCommerce Boom

No matter how your life was touched by COVID, one commonality that can be shared by all is the notion that the world changed before our eyes in real-time. Our planet saw this change in the form of clearer skies and cleaner waterways. For people, life changed literally overnight as bars, restaurants, and offices closed […]

Volunteer Like You Mean It

It’s easy to hit a wall when looking for ways to help the less fortunate. Sometimes the small — and large — gestures we make towards the unhoused or elderly may feel fruitless when, in fact, the opposite may be true. As National Volunteer Month continues, staying motivated and committed to a cause you hold […]

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