How to Help Afghan Refugees Right Now

The last two weeks feel too familiar. An endless war, a broken country, thousands of people fleeing insurgent forces. The fall of Kabul saw thousands of Afghan citizens desperately try to leave their home to escape the Taliban. Some have managed to escape, a small percentage of the 400,000 Afghani citizens who’ve been displaced since […]

Race and the Failed War on Drugs

Guy Rocourt is a fascinating man. A Black veteran with an encyclopedic knowledge of cannabis science, manufacturing and extraction, strategy, and production. Guy is the co-founder and chief product officer for California’s leading cannabis wellness company, Papa & Barkley. Guy got into the cannabis scene in the late 90s/early 2000s during a time when mandatory […]

What Does a Cookie-Less Future Look Like for Advertisers?

Once you clear the air of the terrifying implications for the snack-obsessed, the reality of a future without third-party cookies begins to take shape. Recently, tech conglomerates like Google and Apple have bid adieu to third party cookies in Chrome and on iOS, respectively, leading advertisers scrambling for ways to interpret users’ wants and needs […]

50 is Not a Career Death Sentence

I was at the doctor’s office and bored out of my mind. I’d managed to keep myself entertained for the first few minutes, but the wait was getting ridiculous. I looked around the room and saw my medical chart left open.  Curiosity got the best of me. I realize it’s a big no-no but I […]

5 B Corp-Certified Ice Cream Brands Making Life Pretty Sweet

In case you didn’t think ice cream could get any better, here are five B-Corp certified ice cream brands that are mixing ethically-sourced ingredients with social initiatives to make the world just a little bit sweeter.  Jeni’s Splendid Ice Creams Jeni Britton Bauer founded her namesake company in 2002 based on a mission of bringing […]

Behind Spotify’s Greenroom and the Quest for Audio Supremacy

Nothing inspires innovation more than the spirit of competition. Instagram added the stories feature after the rise of Snapchat. Google removed the headphone jack from the Pixel after Apple pulled off the risky move. Now, that powerful muse grabbed a hold of Spotify with the release of Greenroom, the audio-only rival app called Greenroom.  Think […]

All We Know Is What We Don’t

I learned a new word the other day: sonder. It’s a feeling that describes the realization that the lives of strangers contain the same vivid complexities as our very own. The concept seems kind of obvious, doesn’t it? Obviously I can’t be the only one who feels like they’re hurtling towards the abyss in a […]

You Are Working From Home | A Father’s Day First

Greta came into the world three days ahead of schedule; strangely on-brand for such a newbie. March 14, 2020; three days after the WHO declared COVID-19 a pandemic and a day after Trump declared COVID-19 a national emergency, my daughter was born. The first month was, as expected, not especially fun; colic, crying, panic, and […]


Last year marked the sixth time since 1896 a modern Olympics was either postponed or cancelled. Historically this sort of last resort measure is reserved for times of war; the first during World War I and last during World War II. Postponing the 2020 Tokyo Summer Olympics put NBCUniversal in a very difficult position; with […]

How to Make Taxes Less Taxing as a Freelancer

If only 16-year-old me could see 34-year-old me right now: living the dream as a freelance writer in Maine on the precipice of my own personal Hot Dad Summer. Writing is something I’m pretty sure I was born to do; a talent prioritized by my brain in lieu of silly nonsense like spacial awareness, word […]

Redefining Impact: Our 2023 Impact Report
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